carribbean holidays international Reviews & Complaints

Seriously Frustrated

Reported By: Drishti

They baited us with free coupons and bombarded us with promises only to strong-arm us into buying a package that’s probably less valuable than a cardboard box. And get this – when we weren’t buying their nonsense, they hit us with coffee that tasted like regret. I wouldn’t be surprised if it had a side of mind-altering substances.
To top it off, one of these hustlers, Vikas or Manik (honestly, it’s all a blur), swiped our credit card, punched in the OTP, and poof! Money gone. No papers, no documentation, just a swift exit from decency.
I’ve already thrown a fit with my credit card company, but I thought you should know about this Caribbean International Holidays circus. If there are others who have faced similar issues and wish to join in filing complaints, please email me at [email protected]

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