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The worst fraud company has cheated Rs. 85+ lakhs from the public | Don’t waste your money

Reported By: E. Vasanthakumar

Attention To Everyone,

Now, Cash Tech (cashtech.info) is cheating the public with their new website called Learnmark (learnmark.in).

This fraud company will ask the public to pay Rs. 799 to provide home based jobs. After getting the money from the public, they will not provide any job, and they will not respond to the public or they will block the public’s numbers.

I have lost Rs. 799 without knowing about their forgery.

I paid for Article Typing job. After an hour, they approved me to login their website (learnmark.in). After logging their website, I came to know that there is no PDF files for typing, and their demo video is fake. Through their current website, I came to know their previous company name and forgeries.

I am completely disappointed, and shocked by this situation.

This company has many trained telecallers and chat executives to brainwash and cheat the public perfectly. These executives will brainwash the public to pay by providing the salaray transactions, company registration, and other fake proofs. All the proofs are fake.

Fraud Executives:
Kajal Sharma :
D. Richa :

Their fake websites:


Their fake address for all the companies:
Tower Building, Near Surya Hotel, Gol Diggi, Begu Road, Sirsa – 125055

I have an uncle who works in the police department. I informed my uncle about this forgery, and I sent all the proofs to him. He sent all the details to the Cyber Crime Police for enquiry. Then, I was informed that this fraud group has been cheating the public for many years in various company names, and these frauds have cheated more than 85 lakhs.

Also, lots of Cyber Crime complaints have been filed against this fraud group.

The victims can report these frauds on “National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal” by visiting the following link.



To know more about these frauds, please copy and paste this below link in the browser.



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