Astrologer Sadhana Reviews & Complaints


Reported By: Annonymus_Astro

She is fake . Same she asked me for £149 and promised me on day 3 I’ll get my ex back and also on day 3 she asked my ex husbands number , around in the evening am getting a call on my ex number but when answered no one really speaks . There is pin drop silence in the background. it Was twice .then she says there is a huge blockage and she need to work on it and asked to pay £270 . I trusted and did pay . After that she said it will take 4 days . I waited but nothing happened. Then she said she will refund but no sign . Been week . Guys she is a big scam . She will say people who placed wrong comments are her compositors . It’s up to you if you believe me or not .

Sadhnan karma will get back to you . Mark my words . You too have kids ., sorry they will have to pay your mistake

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