today i got email :

Greeting from

Currently we are hiring and searching home based workers for online jobs available with us.
Please reach us if you are interested to take the job from us.

so, i want to know wheather they are genuine or not ?
As i am think to join them.


Post your reviews / feedback or experience by clicking on the following submit complaint button.

6 thoughts on “ – Geniune or not ?”

  1. Me too got the same mail a couple of days back.
    Well i am not sure about its genuineness,
    but you can register for the job and make sure you dont divulge important details regarding yourself
    that can be used for certain illegal things

  2. This is fraud website.
    If It will be genuine website At least A Name of person must be included into about page of this website.
    Emails we got didn’t included any person name or other details.
    Why this website need to hide it’s ownership under protected domain name.
    It has not even mentioned Phone Number on it’s website.

    I am 100% sure It’s a fraud website.

  3. hello i am mukesh mangroliya
    i have receive call from mob no 8181801166. and they said that they are calling from vk job solution and to know about my debit card no,expiry and its ccv no.and adhhar no and pan no. please reply me it is your branch registered no or not.
    thank you
    mukesh mangroliya

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