i joined kolors and paid them 27000Rs/- for 10kgs of weight loss, after using there product i found that the product is worthless, unhygenic. it was a complete lost of money and time.
i recommend not to use any product of kolors healthcare. they are cheaters

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2 thoughts on “Kolors healthcare – Kolors healthcare fraud complaint”

  1. Hi Mr. Kumar,

    This is Krishna from Kolors Health Care team! Thank you for sharing your feedback here and we really apologize for the inconvenience caused. We would like to know the details clearly regarding your problems and the treatments you tried for it. So, kindly write the details to [email protected] so that we can get back to you soon with best support.


    Kolors Team

  2. I have joined kolors healthcare india (P) ltd, srini nagar colony, hyderabad.
    I have seen an advertisement about kolors healthcare india (P) ltd, i thought that kolors is good place for the treatment and i have joined in 6 months back and i am not seen any change in my weight and treatment is very poor. I have got side effects as well. When i ask them about the refund if i want to discontinue they are saying that i have to bring a customer then i will get the payment. I have paid rs 20000/ – for this treatment. I am not getting proper response from these people. Please kindly help me in getting my amount.

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