We bought a warch from tradus.We received it in a broken condition.From 5-06-14, the day we have received it I am following the tradus.com . Everday they say that they will pick within 4hours.But they have not picked up.They only accept a product within 7days but now the have wasted time saying they will pick.On their website they also promise a 3 days replacement guarantee.Why the have written that and fooling us.When we call.Them they say that they cannot do anythinflg until an email is written which will be definately replied in 24gours but from that day I am daily writing an rmail whivh is not replied even after 60 hours.I request you to help me to change my.product and ask them to remove their all guarantees that they say like email and exchange one.For more details contact me on my email id and Phone no.9212377345.

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